I suck

Hi guys. I realize that I haven’t actually blogged since long before Christmas, and posting a draft doesn’t really count. I have been extremely swamped with high school work such as applying for scholarships and applying to colleges. It is a never ending task but I promise to find more time to blog! I have also been trying to work on the book I am trying to write, and that’s going just as good as my skill at keeping up with my blog. Another problem I am facing is knowing what to blog about. So if any of you have something you would like my take on, please comment and let me know. I would love suggestions and a little attention from you!

I will do my best to blog more. Hope your holidays were swell and your new year started off just as you wanted it to! Hope to hear from you.

Posting my drafts

Am I selfish? I feel like maybe I am, like maybe we all are. We base so many of our decisions on whether they are deemed selfish, or selfless, but for what reason? To be liked. We try so hard to be, or to appear, selfless for the simple reason that we want people to think highly of us. In the end, who is benefited by us being liked? The people that like us? Maybe a little bit… But ultimately, the winner in this situation is us. “Oh, but Leanna, I do things for my friends just to make them happy all the time. Isn’t that selfless?” You’d think that, wouldn’t you? I disagree. What is your reasoning behind wanting to make someone else happy? It is because we love them and them being happy makes us happy too. We buy someone a gift, or hold a door open, or do some other ‘selfless’ act….because it makes us feel good. This isn’t me being cynical or Grinchy, I’m just calling it like I see it. I’m also not saying there’s anything wrong with being this kind of selfish, I just want to point out the fact that we are all selfish, it just comes out in different ways. Some people are more upfront about their selfishness, and some are sneaky and false about it.